Brighthr Brainbox

Instant answers to 11,000+ HR and health & safety questions

Don’t waste time on uncertainty, Bright Brainbox gives you 24/7 definite answers in a flash

  • Get insights from a team of advisors with 50+ years of experience
  • Access answers written by experts and backed by A.I.
  • Ask as many questions as you like
  • Get employment law support without hefty solicitors’ fees

Join 100,000+ global businesses that trust BrightHR

Instant HR and health & safety advice free with your HR software

When you need an immediate answer, Bright Brainbox is there. How it works:

  • You are given Bright Brainbox for FREE within your HR Software
  • Access it through your desktop or mobile app
  • Type in a question and you’ll be given the most relevant answer PLUS other question and answers relevant to your query

And if you need more information than what’s provided, don’t fret. Directly in our Brainbox platform are phone numbers to our expert advisors ready to support you – anywhere, anytime!

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1000s of answers to the most pressing HR and health & safety queries

Issues arise all the time! Legislation changes even more! And sometimes you need immediate answers to all sorts of topics such as:

  • Is it always necessary to suspend an employee when investigating gross misconduct?
  • How do I deal with a flexible working request?
  • Can I fire an employee for being on long-term sick leave?

As employers, we can’t be expected to have all the answers all the time, but legally we have an obligation to give the right answers no matter what.

Brainbox Example Questions

See what else BrightHR has to offer

Upskill your employees with CPD-accredited courses. BrightLearn features interactive learning and a learning management system.

Cut your advertising costs and reach 100,000+ businesses globally—and 1 million+ potential customers—on our free marketplace.

Boost employee morale and increase workplace productivity with Bright Wellbeing & Counselling’s compassionate support services.

Centralise your processes and cut your HR admin hours in half with software tools and services built to transform your people management.

Protect your business from 600+ health & safety risks with our suite of health & safety software and compliance support services.

Reach a team of employment law and health & safety experts 24/7 for unlimited advice and guidance—minus the legal fees.

Interested in BrightHR? See it in action

Dive into our award-winning software and see our range of people management tools for yourself

A Guide to HR Software

A Guide to HR Software

Thursday, Aug 17, 2023

Your guide to choosing the right HR software

The right HR software can become the backbone of your business. But there’s lots to consider when choosing your provider.

From a handy checklist of the features you need to look for, to the risks that software can help you avoid, our Guide to HR Software covers it all.

Need more support? Call the experts on our 24/7 advice line

Didn’t find the answers you were looking for? Or just want more in-depth support with your specific people management dilemma?

Get the answers you need by calling our expert team of advisors on our direct advice line.

  • Receive friendly, confidential advice that draws on decades of experience
  • Talk through uncertainties to develop the best course of action
  • Reach a team of experts at all hours for tailored support
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Our latest insights

Our Lifeline in the Skies: Celebrating BrightHR’s new partnership with North West Air Ambulance
All things Bright

Friday, May 31, 2024

Our Lifeline in the Skies: Celebrating BrightHR’s new partnership with North West Air Ambulance

Find out how BrightHR is strengthening community support with North West Air Ambulance
How could the General Election impact you as a business owner?
Industry news

Friday, May 24, 2024

How could the General Election impact you as a business owner?

Stay ahead of the game with the upcoming employment law changes proposed by Labour, The Conservatives, and Liberal Democrats.


Q. How do I access BrAInbox?

At BrightHR, we think you deserve quick answers to those pressing HR and health & safety questions that keep you up at night.

That’s why we’ve collected over 11,000 of your burning questions that BrightHR users can access right here on BrightBrAInbox ( It really is that easy!

Q. How much does it cost to use Bright BrAInbox?

Q. What other countries can I view HR advice for on BrAInbox?

Q. How can I make sure I’m being compliant?

Ready to get started?

Get in touch and discover how BrightHR can revolutionise your people management today.