Join 100,000+ global businesses that trust BrightHR
Join 100,000+ global businesses that trust BrightHR

Employment law service and advice line
Get instant help with HR issues when you need it. Reach our team of legal experts 24/7. Enjoy unlimited advice and business guidance without legal fees.
Our advisors are always there to help you stay on top of your responsibilities
- Get quick, reliable advice to cut out uncertainty
- Lower your legal costs with unlimited access to experts
- Stay confidential with after-hours phone availability

Your complete HR document library
Access hundreds of expertly written HR documents. From employment contracts and handbooks to factsheets and templates.
Save time on tedious admin tasks.
- Browse, download, and use the right HR template in minutes
- Meet legal requirements with up-to-date documents
- Get all the documents you need in one location

What our customers say about BrightHR
Using BrightHR makes us much more organised and centralises our processes, making it quicker for us to manage sickness and holidays.
Nottingham Credit Union

BrightHR is a user-friendly system and the team are on hand to answer any questions we ever have. I would highly recommend BrightHR.
Deborah Gillespie @ Change, Recruitment Group

Our staff absolutely love using the system and the ease of booking holidays and clocking in using Blip. Customer service is amazing...
Steven Greenall @ Cornerstone Children’s Home

Instant answers to your HR and health & safety questions
Sometimes you just need a quick answer to that burning question.
That’s where our free question-and-answer A.I. platform comes in handy. Bright BrAinbox gives you access to instant answers generated by a team of 50+ advisors—all at your fingertips.
- Access answers to over 1,000 HR questions and answers
- Use a unique platform that’s enriched with A.I. learning
- Get instant employment updates from all over the world

See what else BrightHR has to offer
Upskill your employees with wide-ranging courses. BrightLearn features interactive learning and a learning management system
Get fast answers to over 1,000 of your burning HR and health & safety questions.
Create, assign, and edit shifts and rosters with ease across ANY working pattern. Plus bring flexibility with our new open shifts feature.
Centralise your processes and cut your HR admin hours in half with software tools and services built to transform your people management.
Protect your business from over 300 health & safety risks with our suite of health & safety software and support services.
Carry your electronic filing system in your pocket with unlimited document storage space. Upload, store, and view documents in seconds.
When it comes to employment relations and staying compliant with all the changes it can bring, you can’t afford to take chances.
The risks of falling foul of the law can range from long-term reputational damage to hefty fines, penalties, or even imprisonment.
BrightHR’s software and support services help you stay on top of employment relations changes with a 24/7 phoneline to experienced advisers. All BrightHR users also get exclusive access to a library of expertly written HR and health & safety document templates to support your compliance.
Interested in BrightHR? See it in action
Explore our award-winning software and see our range of end-to-end people management tools for yourself.